Carcinoma Forte
Carcinoma forte helps in fighting various types of cancer. The Carcinoma forte has a combination of different herbs which work together in an optimal manner to fight cancer at the cellular level. This natural medicine contains effective herbal remedies and classic herbs which support and strengthen the individual’s body to fight against the cancer affected areas. The herbal supplements contained in our carcinoma forte brings about a harmony in the functioning of the body organs by restraining the spreading process of the dangerous cancer cells, which in turn can reduce the amount of infection as well. The natural herbs contained therein also have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial characteristics which help in bringing about a balance within the energies of the body.
Carcinoma forte is enriched with Guyabano, curcumin, wheatgrass ,milk thistle etc…which are highly effective in fighting against cancer cells and eliminating them from the body…
Diet: Stop sugar in any form, avoid all kinds of processed foods…
Dosage: 1 to 2 capsules three times a day.
There are no contraindications or side effects of this medicine.