
The mode of action on the human organism is self-controlling energo-neuro-adaptive regulation. With the development of electrotherapy and electropuncture as a modern form of the classical acupuncture of the East, it has become clear that for the successful correction of pathological changes in the human organism such electro-actions which are adequate to the natural bioelectric activity, are necessary, i.e. an electrical current is similar in its parameters to the endogen bioelectric regulatory signals.

SCENAR generates exactly such high-amplitude bipolar electro-impulses, non-damaging in form and duration, which resemble the physiological bio-currents.

Due to the unique physical characteristics of the SCENAR signal, the probability for excitation of the thin peptidergic C-fibres is manifold higher in comparison with the other methods of electrotherapy.

In this way, without disturbance of the cell functions, a maximal part of the nervous tissue is activated, which is necessary for the achievement of the optimal adaptation response from the patient‘s organism.

SCENAR application is indicated at any stage in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Nervous system (various diseases of the vertebral column with secondary disorders of the nervous activity, static and dynamic’s disorders of the vertebral column, deformation of the spinal column, radiculitis, neuritis, strokes and their consequences, diseases of the vegetative nervous system etc.);
  2. Skeletal-muscular system (myositis, arthritis, arthrosis, bruising of the soft tissue, at the fractures at different stages of the process);
  3. Respiratory system (tracheitis, bronchitis, viral infection, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma);
  4. Cardio-vascular system (angina, hypertonia, hypotonia, various form of arrhythmia), vessels of the extremities (endarteritis, varicose veins, disturbance of micro-circulation, trophic ulcers);
  5. Digestive system (gastritis, enteritis, colitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis);
  6. Genito-urinary system (pyeloneophritis, cystitis, disturbance of the cycle, adnexitis, infertility, toxicosis in pregnancy);
  7. Tooth and mouth cavity diseases (periodontosis, periodontitis, arresting of inflammation and complication after the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis, arresting pain syndrome);
  8. Other pathological conditions and their combinations.


  1. ENT – Skin Problems – Burns – Bites – Allergies
  2. Neurological – Gastrointestinal Tract – Muscoloskeletal – Kidney Diseases
  3. Respiratory – Immune System – Cardiovascular System
  4. Sports Injuries – Fractures – Sprains – Ligaments – Bruising – Swelling
  5. Stress – Depression – Lethargy
  6. Emotional blockage
  7. Cosmetic benefits
  8. Back Pain, Neck Pain
  9. Sciatica, Sports Injuries
  10. Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain
  11. Headaches and Migraine
  12. Arthritis
  13. Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  14. Dental Pain
  15. Post-Operative Pain
  16. Circulatory and Respiratory Problems
  17. Musculoskeletal and Digestive Problems